Welcome to the

 Sea of Acceptance and the

Feel it to Heal it Movement (*)

Feel It To Heal It Movement (*)
Building & Living A "Healthy Grief Recovery Journey"

Are you like most of us, growing up in a grief illiterate and grief phobic society?

Have you been taught how to gain things in life, but not taught how to LOSE THINGS, especially people close to you?

Over your lifetime, have you accumulated several losses that you have not had the ability to face?  If so, have you followed the practice of  "STORE IT TO IGNORE IT"?

Do you have a friend or family member who is in deep grief and could use you in their corner, but you are not sure how to be with them?

Have you recently been devastated by a significant loss;   Separation, Divorce, Abandonment, Estrangement or the death of a person very close to you?

If you answer yes to any or all of these questions, the "FEEL IT TO HEAL IT MOVEMENT" could help you.

Lois Hall (Public Health Nurse, 20+ year Grief Recovery Specialist) once said:

Unresolved grief is the #1 unaddressed public health issue of our day. and 100% of us grieve.

Somebody once said that all losses should be grieved and we added that the best place to do this is in the present moment.

It turns out that the best way out of this grief pain is actually through this pain, thus leading to the phrase "FEEL IT TO HEAL IT".

Deep grief is affected by our regrets (and unresolved things) from our past, a clogged present moment, and when we stare into the abyss of the unknown future our worries can shut us down.

All this can lead us to be severely heart-wounded and we can have what is called grief brain fog.

David Kennedy suggest that when this tsunami of emotions hit us after a profound loss, many of us feel like we have been dropped into a deep dark hole. We are there with no frame of reference and may not have a clue what to do next. To compound things, our eating, sleeping and commitment abilities have been severely hampered.

Our friends and family love us dearly and want the best for us, but they may not know how to help, so they may try to reach down and yank us from the sad space we are in and place us on the happy veneer surface of the world.

The truth is we are where we are suppose to be, sad as a result of our loss.  We are not broken, but rather stuck, and we don't need to be fixed, just witnessed (without judgement).

There are people in this world who think that we should be over our grief in a short period of time.

The actual truth is that we never get over our grief. Over time, if we pick up and apply some small corrective steps, we can learn to live with our grief in a healthy way (for the rest of our life). Following this idea, grief will appear less often and may be less intense as we build and follow our "HEALTHY GRIEF RECOVERY JOURNEY:

How one choses to grieve can affect rest of their lives. 

A person can chose to bury their emotions and "STORE IT TO IGNORE IT". This is actually an avoidance strategy, and we put off for tomorrow what we could do today. And for some people that tomorrow never comes. They live with what we call "Grief Gerd", that shows up unannounced, the rest of their lives, or until we chose until they face the inevitable. 

A person can also chose to "FEEL IT TO HEAL IT".  Remember, all the grief work we do today, pays off for all of our tomorrows. Our work is an investment in our self growth and our future.

It is very painful to avoid grief, and it is very painful to "FEEL IT TO HEAL IT". 

There is no easy button, no fast forward button, it is not linear.


Hopefully reading this page has sparked a dialogue in your mind, body and soul, as to your own personal next steps.

May I suggest you watch the 10 podcast episodes on this website. Also you can find these same episodes (audio only) on your favorite podcast provider (search for "FEEL IT TO HEAL IT MOVEMENT".

To start to watch the free podcast videos please click on the link below.


Also, please feel free to contact us at info@seaofacceptance.com

We would be honored to walk with you and and assist you with leaning how to "FEEL IT TO HEAL IT" and help you build and live your own “Healthy Grief Recovery Journey”. 

Thank you. 


* - Trademark pending  https://www.trademarkelite.com/trademark/trademark-detail/98122218/FEEL-IT-TO-HEAL-IT-MOVEMENT

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